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Monday 7 January 2013

Increase sperm counts Some Basic Low Sperm Count Remedies and Tips BY steevaustin

Increasing one's sperm count may help to improve the chances of conception. A count of sperm is the amount of sperm present in a given sample of semen. Low sperm counts may lead to infertility or may make getting pregnant more difficult.

Read useful Sperm Enhancement

If your sperm count is low, however, it does not necessarily mean that you are infertile. It may simply mean that certain lifestyle or environmental factors should be changed or avoided to improve the number.

Some Basic Low Sperm Count Remedies and Tips:-

Drink Milk:

The milk is said to be very nourishhing natural energy drink. It is a complete food that contains lots of vitamins and trace minerals. It is full of proteins and fats and hence provides the energy. Low sperm count remedy may include drinking a glass-full of milk once or twice a day on a regular basis. This not only improves the sperm production but also gets other health benefits.

Intake of Herbs: 

The god has gifted us with lots of herbs that possess natural aphrodisiac properties. They not only help in boosting the men libido but they also enhance the sperm production and helps improving sperms motility.

Herbs such as ashwagandha, guduchi, Spirulina, shatavari, kuchala, Butea, Shilajit etc are few of the herbs those have been prescribed to treat various men sexual health problems including premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and loss of libido and low sperm count.

Eat foods rich in selenium:

Selenium scavenges free radicals and is used by the testes to make selenoproteins, a vital protein required in sperm formation. Well formed sperm are more likely to be motile than sperm with poor morphology. Foods rich in selenium include eggs, brewer's yeast, brazil nuts, garlic and seafood.

Eat Healthy:

Low sperm count remedy also includes eating healthy. A man with low sperm count must consume healthy food. The foodstuff that is complete of nutrients (minerals, vitamins, proteins) etc is favorite. Dark, green and leafy vegetables and fresh fruits may help increasing the sperms. On the other hand, junk, canned, packed, spicy and oily foods and food that contains preservatives are to be avoided.

Eat foods rich in zinc:

Little zinc levels in men have an effect on sperm motility, sperm excellence and sperm counts. Food rich in zinc take in seafood (particularly oysters!), liver, lean cut of red meat, nuts and grain.

Have sex & masturbate less often:

The more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc:
Alcohol affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term effects on sperm production

Regular Physical Workout: 

Many health care providers believe that practicing some exercises (such as Yoga, Pranayama and meditation) may help in relieving the stress that could be one of the reasons for low sperm count. Exercises that involve men reproductive system and its organs (such as ballooning) may also help in stimulating the reproductive organs to produce more sperms and also to improve their quality.


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